Haptonomist Amsterdam

Feeling good about yourself is important, regardless of who you are, where you are and what time it is. However, this can sometimes be a challenge. You are bothered by stimuli and negative energy from outside, or you simply don’t feel well without a good reason. I can help you with this as a haptonomist in Amsterdam. You can read here what a haptonomist in Amsterdam does and how I work.

What does a haptonomist do in Amsterdam?

Haptotherapy is therapy based on the philosophy of haptonomy and can be described as a science that studies the aspects of human interaction. The essence of haptotherapy is to help the client become (again) aware of their natural ability to focus on and open up to human interaction with the main goal of encouraging and restoring feelings of individuality and authenticity. So the idea is to get back to yourself completely. In haptonomy, a distinction is made between the human body and psyche, which, however, should not be seen as separate, but as dependent on each other. Haptonomy is characterized by the willingness of the therapist to reach out to the client to help him or her in his or her personal growth. As a haptonomist in Amsterdam, I help you by reaching out to you, to get closer to yourself, get answers to your questions and get a deeper connection with everything. Because this is a fairly personal process, it is important that you are open to this. We can achieve something beautiful together, but this is only possible if you are willing to do so.

How do I proceed?

Because haptotherapy is something quite personal and we work towards certain levels of connection and spirituality, my approach is also very personal and warm. I want you to feel comfortable. We will discuss together how we achieve this. This way we can achieve the best results. Whether you are in trouble with burnout, depression, pregnancy stress or whether you are dealing with bereavement; haptotherapy can do a lot of good for you. Even when nothing is actually wrong, you can still feel ‘disconnected from yourself’. Then haptotherapy is also suitable for you. Please feel free to contact us to see if we click.  
HaptoMotion praktijk voor oefentherapie

HaptoMotion Amsterdam
Niasstraat 5G
1095 TS Amsterdam

Monday: 8 am – 7 pm
Tuesday: 8 am – 7 pm
Wednesday: 8 am – 1 pm
Thursday: 8 am – 7 pm

HaptoMotion Muiden
Burgemeester de Raadtsingel 3
1398 BE Muiden

Wednesday 2 pm – 6 pm
Friday: 8 am – 6 pm

KvK: 34341363

Member of the Association of Haptotherapists.
VVH: 508A
Praktijk AGBCode: 07044350
Personal AGB: 07998882

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HaptoMotion praktijk voor oefentherapie

Mellemma website, 2024